Session 2020 - 21

Academic Planner
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Academic Planner /calendar for session 2o21:22 (Aprit-March), is as per following

  • Important Event session-2021-22:                  ANX-1

  • Holiday list session 2021-22:                              ANX-2

  • Institute Celebration:                                             ANX-3

  • Examination Schedule:                                          ANX-4

  • Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) Schedule:    ANX-5

  • Event Calendar (Group-wise) :                            ANX-6

Respective school branch to plan and get approved before 25th march 202l. The provided list is suggestive. Respective School Principal to issue a separate notice for conduction.

A.)     Off-Campus Events:                   :                 (ANX-6A)

Work Shops, visits, and Day outings (Group wise/class wise) (Maximum 4 for each class in an academic year)


B. Inter School Competitions:(maximum l0 in the academic session for each group) :               (ANX-6B)


a) Technical /Academic


b) Non Technical / Cultural/ Sports.


c) VTS Inter School Fest.


C. House Wise Competition :  (ANX-6C)


a. Intra House Competition: Class wise, conducted during the academic session).


b. Inter-House Competition: To be conducted during Swatch Bharat Abhiyan in the month of October comprising of academic and nonacademic (5 of each category).


D. Celebrations: :          (ANX-6D)

Either in assembly or planned separately as per the list of events given (maximum not more than 15 for the academic year), to be planned group-wise.


a. Festivals


b. Important Days


c. Assembly Theme (to be planned for the entire month class wise) Separate event calendar is to be issued for Group Aand B

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